Race Pack Collection Guidelines
BCA BTR Ultra 2024 Panduan Race Pack Collection
Jadwal Pengambilan Race Pack:
- Kamis, 09 Mei, Colony Restaurant Plaza Renon, Denpasar (Google Maps) Pukul: 13:00 – 19:00 WITA
- Jumat, 10 Mei, Batur Natural Hot Spring, Kintamani (Google Maps) Pukul: 13:00 – 19:00 WITA
- Sabtu, 11 Mei, Batur Natural Hot Spring, Kintamani (Google Maps) Pukul: 13:00 – 19:00 WITA
- Jadwal lengkap, klik disini
Apa yang dibawa saat RPC:
- Membawa email konfirmasi lomba atau kartu tanda pengenal. Anda perlu menunjukkan email konfirmasi atau kartu tanda pengenal yang valid untuk mengambil race pack. Ini untuk memastikan bahwa Anda adalah peserta yang benar dan menerima race pack yang tepat.
- Jika pengambilan race pack diwakilkan, harap menyertakan surat kuasa (unduh di sini) Setiap perwakilan hanya diizinkan mewakili satu peserta pada saat di meja RPC.
- Membawa surat keterangan sehat yang telah ditandatangani. Kami juga menyediakan pemeriksaan medis di tempat pengambilan race pack dengan biaya IDR 50K
- Membawa mandatory gear, pengecekan mandatory gear akan dilakukan saat Race Pack Collection.
Alur Pengambilan Race Pack:
- Tunjukkan email konfirmasi lomba atau KTP.
- Menyerahkan surat keterangan sehat. Jika diwakilkan, perwakilan harus membawa surat keterangan sehat yang sudah ditandatangani oleh peserta lomba (unduh disini).
- Menandatangi Waiver Form atau Surat Ijin Orang Tua untuk peserta 7K Kids. Jika diwakilkan, perwakilan harus membawa Waiver atau Surat Ijin Orang Tua yang sudah ditandatangani oleh peserta lomba. Waiver form unduh disini. Surat Ijin Orang Tua unduh disini.
- Mandatory gear check (daftar mandatory gear, klik disini)
- Ambil race pack Anda dan cek isinya: Race pack Anda harus berisi nomor bib dan item lain seperti hoodie dan barang promosi. Pastikan Anda memiliki segala sesuatu yang Anda butuhkan dan nomor bib Anda sesuai dengan informasi pendaftaran Anda.
- Nomor BIB hanya diberikan kepada peserta yang bersangkutan, perwakilan peserta hanya bisa mengambil RPC tanpa nomor BIB. Nomor BIB bisa diambil oleh peserta yang bersangkutan sebelum flag-off di tenda RPC/Bag Deposit (tunjukkan copy KTP & tanpa biaya).
Catatan Penting:
- RPC bisa dilakukan pada saat race day dengan tambahan biaya servis sebesar IDR 100K. Peserta bisa melakukan RPC sebelum race day di tenda RPC/Bag Deposit. Pembayaran dilakukan secara cash di lokasi, dan mohon untuk datang lebih awal ke lokasi lomba.
- Bagi pelari DNS/tidak jadi ikut, RPC bisa dikirim dengan tambahan biaya servis IDR 100K dan ongkos kirim ditanggung oleh pemilik RPC. Pengiriman akan diproses dari tanggal 13 Mei s/d 19 Mei 2024. Mohon mengisi form pengiriman: Google Form
- Bagi pelari DNS/tidak jadi ikut, RPC bisa diwakilkan/dititipkan tanpa surat keterangan sehat & waiver form namun RPC diberikan tanpa nomor BIB.
- Peserta harus menggunakan nomor BIB dengan nama sendiri. Jika ketahuan menggunakan nomor BIB atas nama orang lain maka segala pelari tersebut berhak bertanggung jawab sendiri jika terjadi suatu hal.
- Pelari podium menggunakan nomor BIB atas nama orang lain maka panitia berhak melakukan diskualifikasi.
BCA BTR Ultra 2024 Race Pack Collection Guidelines
Race Pack Collection Schedule:
- Thursday, May 9th, Colony Restaurant Plaza Renon, Denpasar (Google Maps) Time: 13:00 – 19:00 WITA
- Friday, May 10th, Batur Natural Hot Spring, Kintamani (Google Maps) Time: 13:00 – 19:00 WITA
- Saturday, May 11th, Batur Natural Hot Spring, Kintamani (Google Maps) Time: 13:00 – 19:00 WITA
- Full schedule, click here
Race Pack Collection – What to Bring:
- Bring a race confirmation email or identification card. You have to present a valid race confirmation email or identification card to collect your race pack. This ensures you are the correct participant and receive the appropriate race pack.
- If someone else collects the race pack on your behalf, provide a letter of authorization (download here) Each representative is only allowed to represent one participant at the RPC desk.
- Bring a signed medical certificate. We also provide medical checks at the race pack collection venue for a fee of IDR 50K.
- Please bring your mandatory gear. A mandatory gear check will be conducted during race pack collection.
Race Pack Collection Procedure:
- Show race confirmation email or ID.
- Submit the medical certificate. If represented, the representative must bring a signed medical certificate by the participant (download here).
- Sign the Waiver Form or Parent Consent Letter for 7K Kids participants. If represented, the representative must bring a signed Waiver or Parent Consent form by the participant. Waiver Form (download here) Parent Consent Letter (download here)
- Mandatory gear check (mandatory gear list, click here).
- Collect your race pack and check its contents: Your race pack should contain a bib number and other items such as a hoodie and promotional items. Make sure you have everything you need, and that your bib number matches your registration information.
- The BIB number is only given to the respective participant; participant representatives can only collect the Race Pack Collection (RPC) without the BIB number. The BIB number can be obtained by the respective participant before the flag-off at the RPC tent/Bag Deposit area (present a copy of the ID card & at no cost).
Important Notes:
- RPC can be done on the race day with an additional service fee of IDR 100K. Participants can do RPC before the race day at the RPC tent/Bag Deposit. Payment is made in cash on-site, and please come early to the race venue.
- For DNS/runners who do not participate, RPC can be sent with an additional service fee of IDR 100K and shipping costs borne by the RPC owner. Shipping will be processed from May 13th to May 19th, 2024. Please fill shipping form: Google Form
- For DNS/runners who do not participate, RPC can be represented/delegated without a medical certificate and waiver form, but RPC is given without a BIB number.
- Participants must use their BIB number. If caught using a BIB number under someone else’s name, all runners are responsible for themselves in any circumstance.
- Podium runners using a BIB number under someone else’s name may be disqualified by the committee.